


うーむ。 今の自分、すべて当てはまるな^^;


その名も「ヘパラン硫酸」 (HS) 、、、


自閉症、カギの物質発見 米研究所、マウスで症状再現朝日新聞 2012年3月15日7時35分




入江史敏 研究員ら 連絡先:
山口 (ポスドク募集してたっけな)





デルマタン/ヘパラン硫酸ELISAキット (コスモ・バイオ株式会社)







CAF サイエンス フコース 120カプセル (セルメディカ)
※アカラン硫酸の入ったサプリメント原材料 褐藻抽出物(L-フコース)、エスカルゴ抽出物コエンザイムQ10、V.B6、葉酸、V.B12、ゼラチン(被包剤)






Autism-like socio-communicative deficits and stereotypies in mice lacking heparan sulfate

Fumitoshi Irie, Hedieh Badie-Mahdavi, and Yu Yamaguchi (Genetic Disease Program, Sanford Children's Health Research Center, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, La Jolla, CA 92037)

Edited by Thomas C. Südhof, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, and approved February 13, 2012 (received for review October 31, 2011)

Abstract: Heparan sulfate regulates diverse cell-surface signaling events, and its roles in the development of the nervous system recently have been increasingly uncovered by studies using genetic models carrying mutations of genes encoding enzymes for its synthesis. On the other hand, the role of heparan sulfate in the physiological function of the adult brain has been poorly characterized, despite several pieces of evidence suggesting its role in the regulation of synaptic function. To address this issue, we eliminated heparan sulfate from postnatal neurons by conditionally inactivating Ext1, the gene encoding an enzyme essential for heparan sulfate synthesis. Resultant conditional mutant mice show no detectable morphological defects in the cytoarchitecture of the brain. Remarkably, these mutant mice recapitulate almost the full range of autistic symptoms, including impairments in social interaction, expression of stereotyped, repetitive behavior, and impairments in ultrasonic vocalization, as well as some associated features. Mapping of neuronal activation by c-Fos immunohistochemistry demonstrates that neuronal activation in response to social stimulation is attenuated in the amygdala in these mice. Electrophysiology in amygdala pyramidal neurons shows an attenuation of excitatory synaptic transmission, presumably because of the reduction in the level of synaptically localized AMPA-type glutamate receptors. Our results demonstrate that heparan sulfate is critical for normal functioning of glutamatergic synapses and that its deficiency mediates socio-communicative deficits and stereotypies characteristic for autism.

Footnotes: To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: yyamaguchi@sanfordburnham.org

自閉症マウス・自閉症が治療できるかもしれない? / qazx 2012年3月17日 (土) 09:59